Moyen-Âge/Antiquité en Anglais

Here is below the text in touch with the period of the Middle Age and the Russian Antiquity in Engllish. You can also see it in Spanish, a Russian, a French  and a German on the following links:

                          - Russielfm - French

                                           - Russielfm - Spanish

                                           - Russielfm - Russian

                                           - Russielfm - German

 Middle Ages and Antiquity

In 862, king Viking Rourik arrived in Russia and, in Novgorod, the first Russian dynasty. After him the other Vikings arrived in Russia and settle down there. The already present Viking and the Slavs in Russia unite according to the expension of the Christian religion. In 988, big prince Vladimir Saint adopted the orthodox religion. During all 11th century, the principality of Kiev played a role dominating in the region. But in 1240, Kiev falled under in the hands of the tataro-Mongolian invadered and was almost completely destroyed(annulled). All the region is then shared in small principalities, called "Khanats". The Mongolian Empire extended then over a good part of the Asian continent and to European Russia (where reigned Khanat de la Horde of gold). During the next two centuries the city of Moscow taked more and more importance as regional capital and center of the Greek Orthodox Church. At the end of the 15th century, Czar Ivan III frees definitively Russia from the Mongolian yoke and seizes cities of Novgorod and Tver. The Terrible Czar Ivan IV ( 1533-1584 ) finished making of Moscow the capital of the empire by liquidating the princes and the Boyards, then in constant rivalry.

The Terrible Ivan

In 1613, Michel Romanov founded  the dynasty of Romanov, which reigne up to the October Revolution. The grandson of Michel Romanov, Peter the Great ( 1689-1725 ), makes of Russia a powerful dominant in the Northern Europe.

Peter the Great
Thanks to his victory on Charles XII of Sweden in the battle of Poltava (1709), he spreads the borders of his empire far westward. A little time after Catherine la Grande (1762-1796) pursues this politics(policy) of opening on Europe, seizes Crimea, part of Ukraine and from the east of Poland.

Under Alexandre 1st ( 1801-1825 ), Russia resists triumphantly the imperial intrigues of Napoleon. This one began by gained a victory on the Russians, in particular during the battles of Smolensk and Borodino. The fire of Moscow in 1812 stops(arrests) clear(net) the headway(overhang) of the French troops and the Russian winter forces Napoleon to put off(move back). During the napoleonic wars Russia seizes Finland ( 1809 ) and Bessarabie (current Moldavia; on 1812).. During the Crimean War ( 1853-1886 ), Russia loses a big part(party) of Crimea and the South of Ukraine. Alexandre II ( 1855-1881 ) seizes afterward Central Asia and mene a series of reforms, in particular the abolition of the servage in 1861. He(it) also encourages the development manufacturer and begins the construction site of the longest railroad line of the world, the Trans-Siberian railway, Moscow to Vladivostock. In 1881, Alexandre II is murdered. After the defeat of Russia in front of Japan (Russian-Japanese war, on 1904).

Peter the Great